June 13, 2017

Build A Loyal Customer Base And Reap The Rewards

To keep your business funded for growth, repeat business is a vital piece of the puzzle. Without ignoring finding new business, here’s how to turn current and past customers into loyal, repeat ones.
Here's What People Are Saying about PartnerDemand Services
I was really impressed with what they were able pull together into a cohesive marketing campaign…PartnerDemand brought some really good information to the table as far as metrics and market surveys. I can’t say enough good things about the team.” 

— Brett Bennett, Supply Chain Security Director, Cybercore Technologies

Upsell And Cross-Sell Your Way To Success

Selling one product is great, selling more than one—or one that carries a slightly higher price tag or margin—is the key to profitability and should be part of your corporate sales strategy. See tips on how to make this possible.

5 Tips To Building Loyal Customers

If you’re not spending time on your current customers, it may be time for a business transformation from questing for new customers to one that prioritizes those you already have. Here are five ways to keep things fresh and keep your customers loyal. 

Reading The Market: What's On Buyers' Minds?

Apply Where do your customers and potential customers need help? What are the drivers behind IT spending by business? Here are four insights that could give your sales and marketing teams a leg up.
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